Only available to specific client groups or to clients living in specific areas of Edinburgh. Bright Light Relationship Counselling - for couples and individuals in Edinburgh and the Lothians affected by relationship problemsCREW 2000 - for people who are concerned about their stimulant and other social drug use or people affected by another's drug useCruse Bereavement Care Scotland - for people who have been bereavedEdinburgh and Lothian Council on Alcohol (ELCA) - for people affected by their own or someone else's alcohol useHealth All Round - for people living in Gorgie, Dalry, Saughton, Stenhouse and surrounding areasIntercultural Youth Scotland - for Black and People of Colour (BPoC) children and young people, aged 12-25 based in ScotlandLGBT Health and Wellbeing - for people who are LGBTQIA+ or questioning their sexuality or genderNEECS (North East Edinburgh Counselling Service) - Free and donation-based one-to-one counselling for young people (16+) and adults living in North East EdinburghSaheliya - Free counselling service for BAME women and girls (12+).Simpson House Counselling and Recovery - for people affected by their own or another's drug use. Service provided by the Church of ScotlandSouth East Counselling (Edinburgh) - for people living in South East Edinburgh. Service provided by Health in MindVOCAL Carer's Counselling Service - for unpaid carers in all caring situations and relationshipsWester Hailes Health Agency - for people living in Wester Hailes and South West Edinburgh This article was published on 2023-11-22