Availability Update

If there are any changes to your availability, since you submitted your referral form, please click the times you are available and press the 'submit' button. We keep a note your availability so that we can offer you an appointment time when you are available and to avoid a lengthy waits if you have to cancel or decline. If you've not yet registered with the service, please complete the self-referral form instead.

Your Name
Matriculation/Student Number the number that begins with s and can be found on your student card.

Please let us know when you would be available for an appointment. It might take longer for us to offer you a suitable appointment time if your availability is limited.

  • Please make sure you include all the days and times you could do, the more you provide the easier it is to match you with a free space.
  • Appointments last for approximately 45 minutes.
  • Evening sessions are available semester and video call only.